S P O R T |
Track Creator:
S P O R T |
Austin |
Track Name: [Downloads] |
Pong[1-1666] [8]
Background: (Click to download) |
Creator Comments |
Can be played in any number of players, teamwork can be quite essential in this game type.
Players (Bi-Turbo) choose sides, and the ball (CX) chooses who gets to serve first.
Unlimited touches can be taken inside your side of the court, but once it crosses the checkered center line, you have to wait for it to be returned (you CAN play the ball if its on the checkered line, even if the opponent is playing it.) If a player crosses this line, he needs to return to his side as soon as possible, they cannot score from the wrong court, and any goal scored whilst they are in the wrong half should be disallowed.
Points are scored if you put the ball into the opponents pit behind their court (1 per "goal"), then the puck centers on conceding teams spot and they serve, the players do not have to sit in a designated area whilst the opponents serve, they can roam freely in their court if they wish.
First to 10 points wins (with win by 2 rule applying, eg. 13-11).
Thanks to Zooz/Kitty/DaBlast/PaTcH/Xander/Phil for helping. ! | User Comments (First to last) | |
Zooz says: |
24th of May, 2006 |
Another good sports idea. Try playing with missiles for a laugh. But make sure Austin doesn't notice ^_^ | |
Austin says: |
24th of May, 2006 |
LOl , I was a little bleh at the time, but missiles in a 2vs2 could be a GOOD way to spice it up, I was merely watching from the pucks perspective.
Thanks for the award Zooz ! | |
Austin makes some really cool sports tracks. A cool suggestion - spectators could sit on the green seperator. Just an idea.
And you could really do some cool stuff if you gave this something like table tennis rules - 1 bounce on each side max. And you could play to 21. Ooh, I really like this. |